
Vienna 2017

Did you know? The chances of winning in a casino depend on the specific games being played, the rules, and the house edge. Each casino game has its own set of odds, and players need to understand that, in the long run, the odds are usually in favor of the casino. This built-in advantage is known as the “house edge.”

Early nights at the Viktor Adler Markt

Vienna 2017

The Viktor Adler Markt, situated in Vienna’s 10th district of Favoriten, stands as a vibrant hub of culinary delights and cultural diversity. Nestled within the bustling Viktor Adler Platz, this market has become a beloved destination for both locals and visitors seeking an authentic Viennese experience.

The market, named after the prominent Austrian politician Viktor Adler, offers a kaleidoscope of colors, scents, and flavors that embody the rich tapestry of Vienna’s culinary heritage. As visitors wander through the stalls, they are greeted by an array of fresh produce, regional delicacies, and international fare. From fragrant herbs and spices to artisanal cheeses, the market showcases the finest ingredients that form the backbone of Viennese cuisine.

One of the highlights of Viktor Adler Markt is its diverse selection of street food stalls, where the aromas of sizzling sausages, aromatic kebabs, and freshly baked pastries waft through the air. This gastronomic diversity reflects the multicultural essence of Vienna’s 10th district, creating a harmonious blend of flavors that caters to a wide range of tastes.


Vienna 2016

Vinyl records, once a nostalgic relic of the past, have experienced a remarkable resurgence in recent years, captivating audiophiles and music enthusiasts alike. These iconic analog discs, also known simply as “vinyls,” offer a tangible and immersive way to experience the rich tones and nuances of music.

The allure of vinyl records lies not only in their warm, authentic sound but also in the ritualistic experience they provide. From carefully removing the record from its sleeve to delicately placing the needle on the grooves, every step is a deliberate and tactile engagement with the music. Unlike the convenience of digital formats, playing vinyl requires time and attention, fostering a deeper connection between the listener and the music.

Legs or Scopophilia

Vienna 2023

Laura Mulvey, in her essay “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema,” introduced the concept of “scopophilia” to describe the pleasure derived from looking, particularly in the context of cinema. Scopophilia is derived from the Greek words “skopein” (to look) and “philia” (love), and it refers to the pleasure and satisfaction one experiences through looking at something visually stimulating.

Traditional photography tends to cater to the male gaze, positioning women as objects to be looked at and deriving pleasure from the act of looking. Scopophilia, in this context, is linked to the visual pleasure that comes from the act of observing and objectifying individuals, particularly women.


Vienna 2023

Architects often employ color blocking to emphasize specific zones or elements of a building, providing a clear visual hierarchy. This approach allows for the creation of focal points, guiding the observer’s gaze and shaping their experience of the space. Exterior facades, interior walls, and even structural elements such as columns or beams become canvases for the deliberate application of color.


Vienna 2023

The use of brickstone has quite a notable tradition in Vienna. It dates back to Roman times when it was a prominent building material. However, the brickstone building tradition in Vienna experienced a significant revival during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

During this period, the Secession movement, which aimed to break away from historical architectural styles and embrace a more modern and innovative approach, played a key role in promoting the use of brickstone. Architects such as Otto Wagner and Josef Hoffmann were instrumental in incorporating this material into their designs.


Vienna 2016

A kaleidoscope is a cylindrical optical instrument that typically contains two or more reflecting surfaces tilted to each other at an angle, usually 60 degrees. Inside the tube, there are colorful objects, such as glass beads or bits of colored glass, and mirrors that create a symmetrical pattern when viewed through the eyepiece.

When you look into the eyepiece and rotate the kaleidoscope, the colored objects inside reflect off the mirrors, creating intricate and constantly changing patterns. The word “kaleidoscope” is derived from the Greek words “kalos,” meaning beautiful, “eidos,” meaning form, and “skopeo,” meaning to look at. Thus, a kaleidoscope provides a visually stunning and ever-changing display of beautiful patterns.

Memento Mori

Vienna 2023

The photo shows the pathology building of the Vienna Hospital on the Steinhofgründe, opened in 1907.

The Memento Mori principle, translated from Latin as “remember that you will die,” serves as a poignant reminder of life’s impermanence. Rooted in ancient philosophy and art, this concept encourages individuals to contemplate their mortality, fostering a deeper appreciation for the present moment and a mindful approach to life.

The roots of Memento Mori can be traced back to ancient Rome, where it was a central theme in Stoic philosophy. Philosophers like Seneca and Marcus Aurelius embraced the idea as a means of cultivating resilience and wisdom. In medieval Europe, the concept found expression in art, particularly in the form of skeletal imagery and symbols of death, serving as a visual reminder of life’s fleeting nature.

The Male Gaze

Vienna 2023

The concept of the “male gaze” is a theoretical framework that originated in feminist film theory, articulated by scholar Laura Mulvey in her groundbreaking essay “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema” in 1975. However, the notion extends beyond cinema and has been widely applied to various aspects of culture, art, and everyday life.

At its core, the male gaze refers to the way in which visual arts and media, often created and controlled by men, depict the world from a distinctly masculine perspective. This perspective objectifies and sexualizes women, reducing them to passive objects of desire for the presumed male viewer. The male gaze perpetuates traditional gender roles and power dynamics, reinforcing societal norms that prioritize the male experience.